Humanity and Consensus, and the myth of collective understanding

(Just a disclaimer: This blog was generated by ChatGPT, after a lot of prompting and helping it say the right things.)

Original prompt:

Could you expand this into an article? feel free to augment it with your own conclusions and ideas extrapolating from this to make it longer, I think it's a complex thing that people need a lot of context on to properly understand:

People are weird and I often see mentioned that you can't understand them, but I don't necessarily think that's true, it's just that, it's really hard to see that when everyone has their own idea of the world, how they 'collectively' see it, because they.. don't. there's no collective sense of 'this is how everything needs to go', we actually debate that and then put that on lists somewhere, but how every individual sees it is basically random with a bias towards their direct environment. 

I’m not sure if it fully conveys my message, but I guess it’s worth posting. It’s also more a thought than something I hinge hard beliefs on so, take all of the below with a healthy dose of salt or salt-substitutes:

Understanding Human Complexity: The Individual and the Collective

Human beings are, without a doubt, one of the most intricate and multifaceted species on Earth. Their behaviors, beliefs, and perceptions are shaped by a myriad of factors, from genetics to environment, from culture to personal experiences. It’s often said that understanding humans is an impossible task, but is it really? Or is it just that the complexity of human nature makes it challenging to grasp the full spectrum of human thought and behavior?

The Myth of Collective Understanding

At first glance, it might seem that there’s a collective understanding of the world. After all, societies have norms, values, and shared beliefs that guide behavior. Laws are enacted based on societal consensus, and cultural practices emerge from shared histories and experiences. However, upon closer examination, it becomes evident that this “collective understanding” is more of a negotiated consensus than a unanimous agreement.

Every individual has a unique perspective, shaped by their upbringing, experiences, and personal beliefs. While there might be overarching themes and commonalities, the nuances of individual perspectives can vary widely. This means that even within a seemingly homogenous group, there can be a vast array of opinions and beliefs.

The Role of Environment

One of the most significant influencers of individual perspective is the environment. The family we’re born into, the culture we’re immersed in, the experiences we have – all play a pivotal role in shaping our worldview. A person raised in a bustling urban environment might have a vastly different perspective on life than someone brought up in a remote village. These environmental factors create biases, which in turn influence our perceptions and reactions to the world around us.

The Illusion of Randomness

While it might seem that individual perspectives are random, they’re more accurately described as being influenced by a unique combination of factors. It’s like a personal recipe – a dash of upbringing, a sprinkle of personal experiences, a pinch of cultural background, and so on. While the exact mix might differ from person to person, the ingredients are often similar. It’s the proportions and interactions of these ingredients that create the rich tapestry of human perspectives.

The Challenge of Communication

One of the reasons why it’s challenging to understand humans is the inherent difficulty in communication. Language, while a powerful tool, is often inadequate in capturing the nuances of human emotion and thought. Misunderstandings arise not just from the words we use but from the myriad of non-verbal cues and cultural contexts that accompany them. This is why debates and discussions are so crucial – they allow for the clarification of ideas and the bridging of understanding gaps.


While it might be tempting to label humans as “weird” or “incomprehensible,” the reality is that the complexity of human nature is what makes us fascinating. The diversity of perspectives and beliefs is not a hindrance but a strength, allowing for innovation, creativity, and growth. By recognizing and celebrating these differences, we can move closer to a world where understanding is not just possible but celebrated.
